Lacey Buchanan


Leading the Blind

On February 18th, 2011, our lives were changed forever when our son Christian Taylor Buchanan entered the world. He was born with a bilateral cleft palate and lip and almost completely blind. This blog is the story of his life, the joys we share, the challenges we encounter, and the amazing and trying journey ahead of our family!

People with Disabilities ARE Inherently Inspiring

There has been this, sort of, trend in the disabled community to "stop telling disabled peoplethat they are inspiring." The premise is one that I respect. People with disabilities are just people and they want to be treated like everyone else. I can understand how it might be considered insulting for someone to just walk up to you and start gushing about how inspirational you are just because you happen to be sitting in a wheel chair. I get that, and yet, I see a different perspective. As a person without a disability and yet as a person who is raising someone who has a disability, I can truly say that I am inspired in every single moment of every single day by my son and by so many others within the disabled community that I know or meet.

A video recently came across my Facebook feed of a young lady singing The National Anthem at a basketball game. The post said that she has a developmental disability. You can see the video I'm referencing here: It's worth a watch! Her singing was, by traditional standards, nothing that would ever land her a record deal. Yet her song garnered a standing ovation at the game and as of the writing of this article, almost 800,000 views on Facebook. That's an impressive number for someone who can't sing well by traditional standards.

So, why did that video garner such attention? Why did so many people get a tear in their eye when they watched this sweet lady pour her heart out singing The National Anthem? It's because she is inspiring. It's not her disability that makes her inspiring, though. but because her strength shines so apparently that no one can deny it. It's a strength that makes my breathe catch in my throat and gives me pause.

If we are being honest, I am probably not the only one who takes for granted how simple things like singing are for me. Even though I can't sing all that well (haha!), it's not difficult. I break into song at random intervals all day long with ease.

For some people, their limitations make things like singing more difficult. Heck, it makes it impossible for some people to sing...or walk, or hear, or see. Yet, those with these limitations face them head on, daily, and overcome them. They accomplish things that are all but impossible based on their limitation. They demonstrate a strength and tenacity that you just don't encounter every day. It's only natural to be overcome with emotion when we encounter something so unique and breathtaking. It's not that a having a disability automatically equates a person as being inspirational. What people find inspiring is the grit, the determination, the resilience, the transcendence, that is undeniably forged in those who have had to face the challenges that people with disabilities have had to face.

That is why people with disabilities are inspiring. They encompass a strength that I could only ever hope to achieve. They display character and dignity and integrity that is unusual and uncommon, because most haven't had the limitations they face that gives them that unspoken drive. I know because I see it every day with my son. I see his zeal for life despite the fact that he can't see. I can't help but chuckle\ at his deep belly laughs as he tells jokes. Never mind that his cleft makes it difficult for him to speak. I see him take steps forward with confidence and without fear, even though he can't see where his foot is going to land. That is inspiring, and it makes me want to live my life with the laughter and fearlessness that he does, even though I know that I can't possibly know what it's like to be in his shoes. People with disabilities have something that I don't have, but something I admire more words could adequately express. To me, that IS inspiring.

Feeling Defeated: An Update on The Nursing Appeal

Photo Credit To Lacey Orchid PhotographyI received the appeal packet for Christian's nursing appeal today, have read through all 200 pages and I am feeling defeated before this appeal hearing even happens. Not because Christian doesn't qualify or need the nursing hours, but because the way the rules are written, they make it nearly impossible to overcome. He not only ...

What Nursing Means to Me

Christian and his nurse, Carolyn at school.Shared with permissionSome of you guys have been keeping up with the issues we've been having with her insurance trying to cut our private duty nursing hours and I wanted to discuss a little about our nurses.Some of you might be wondering what exactly private duty nursing even is. Everybody's familiar with nurses, but ...

Gifts Within The Pain

It's been six years since we welcomed my sweet Christian Taylor into this world.It was such an exciting and terrifying time.I remember walking out the front door of my house that morning I was to deliver, and thinking how different my life would be the next time I walked through that door. Having a child is such a huge life ...

At Their Mercy

Last Friday, I was driving to my next destination on a usual day of errands when my phone rang. I'd already dropped Christian off at therapy with his nurse, ran to kroger to pick up half of what I needed since they were out of the other half, and planned when and where I would go to the next Kroger ...

Sunshine after the Rain

I have been a mother for almost 6 years now, and one thing motherhood has taught me is that raising kids is full of highs so high you think it can't get any better, and lows that make you feel like you're scrapping the bottom. And sometimes all those highs and lows can come at once. One of the hardest things ...
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